Thinking about a Geothermal heating system?

There has been a significant rise in geothermal heating systems both commercially and privately. At G Stow we have consulted on hundreds of geothermal projects and have the expertise to assist you in your project.

A geothermal ground source system is shown to be six times more efficient than conventional fossil fuel heating and cooling methods, with huge environmental advantages – by using geothermal energy, which is available everywhere, no fossil fuels are required.

Advantages over conventional heating systems:

 • Safer – no combustible sources

 • Minimal inspection and maintenance

• Lower running costs

• No emissions or operating noise

• No exposed external units

• Reduced plant room requirements

 • No fuel handling or storage

• Long lifetime 2

 • Significant reduction in CO emissions

Call us today to discuss your water, energy, geothermal or engineering service needs and see how we can help you 01491 834444 or e-mail us